ONEPlanET Project

Three O’Clock

Three o’clock is a French agency for social impact. Our aim is to bring research and innovation closer to society, bridging the gap between science, technology and people.

To do so, we use participatory design to generate solutions that address real societal needs. Our approach in R&D projects is to carry out powerful user research coupled with stakeholder engagement allowing us to understand people’s behaviours and we use it to co-design and co-create innovative solutions together with researchers and entrepreneurs. 

Our work is structured around three main business lines: 

  • Public awareness: By designing and developing effective strategies and using the right tools, we make research, knowledge and technology accessible and understandable to multiple types of audiences.
  • Capacity building: By co-designing training materials with experts and stakeholders, we boost the skills and spread the knowledge needed to build a more sustainable future.
  • Service design: By understanding users, we support the testing of solutions and business models to take the final products and services closer to the market.

Contribution to ONEPlanET:

  • Three o’clock is leading WP5, aiming to empower policymakers, public officers, citizens and communities with the necessary knowledge and tools to deal with Nexus-related issues.

In particular, 3OC will contribute to,

  • Carry out user research to identify the main barriers for decision-making processes linked to the Nexus for the public sector, including technical, legal, financial and social issues.
  • Elaborate user-centered capacity building & training materials addressing the pre-identified needs of the different target groups.
  • Build up an international community behind Nexus initiative and to reinforce the existing AU-EU partnership.
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