ONEPlanET Project

The University of Genoa (UNIGE)

The University of Genoa (UNIGE) is an education and research institution, founded in XV Century, in which academics, students and administrative and technical staff participate in the exercise of the respective competences, functions and responsibilities. UNIGE is composed of 22 Departments, 5 Schools, 14 Interuniversity Research and Services Centres, 2 Centres of Excellence. The personnel consist of 1329 academics and 1413 administrative and technical staff, of whom 12 top executive managers. 

The Department of Mechanical and Energy Engineering (DIME) includes the “Thermochemical Power Group” TPG (, founded in 1998. Its mission is to carry out theoretical and experimental research in the field of advanced energy systems. 

TPG has twenty-year experience in participating and coordinating International Projects (at present, TPG-DIME is involved in ten EU – H2020 Projects) and Italian National projects. 

TPG is also active in Cooperative Actions by Research and Education, according to the United Nations SDG for 2030. TPG has been involved in many projects related to SDG7 – Affordable and clean energy, in many developing Countries such as Tanzania, Madagascar, Zimbabwe and Burundi. 

Since 2021, UNIGE coordinates the UniTwin/UNESCO Chair “Innovative, Sustainable and Clean Energy Research and Education”, which aims to promote international academic collaborations to increase institutional skills through knowledge sharing and cooperation. The Network includes Countries from 4 continents (Europe, America, Africa, Asia).

Contribution to ONEPlanET:

  • Participation in the dissemination activities and knowledge sharing, also throughout the already existing e-training platform from UniTwin/UNESCO
  • Promotion of hydrogen based systems in AU, thanks to the connection with African Hydrogen Partnership (AHP), where UNIGE is member 
  • Promotion of AU to EU researchers mobility


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