ONEPlanET Project

University of Valladolid

The Group of Energy, Economy, and Systems Dynamics (GEEDS) of the University of Valladolid is formed by a group of students, professors, and researchers with previous experience in the field of environmental issues and personal involvement in ecology and development cooperation. Therefore, we want to bring our concerns as citizens of the world to academic research at the University.

Our lines of research focus on energy and the economy, as key factors of technology and life, and on Systems Dynamics, as the most appropriate tool to analyse the complex relations between the variables that influence sustainability and development, with a systemic vision.

Contribution to ONEPlanET:

  • Carry out the modelling using System Dynamics, which allows the study and analysis of dynamic feedback systems through computer simulation. 
  • Design, launch and develop a policy selection and scenario parametrization for the case studies.
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