ONEPlanET Project

The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Africa

Africa faces escalating threats from climate change, with rising temperatures, sea levels, and extreme weather events endangering human health, safety, food security, and socio-economic development across the continent.


Examining the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus in Africa reveals complex challenges, including the impacts of climate change, population growth pressures, inequality, and environmental degradation. However, by embracing a holistic approach to the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, we can find solutions to these challenges that align with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, and zero hunger.


Through the ONEPlanET project, a collaboration of African and European partners, we have the opportunity to address these interconnected issues. By empowering African policymakers, researchers, investors, and citizens with knowledge and tools, we can increase clean energy production while reducing inequalities and bridging cultural and socio-economic gaps. This initiative aims to foster sustainability, resilience, and well-being across the continent.


Our ambition for sustainable and climate resilient Africa  lies in these 4 Main Pillars

  • ONEPlanET knowledge communities – Community and Stakeholders

  • Co-design & Test – User engagement and co-design methodologies to build the ONEPlanET Toolkit

  • ONEPlanET Model – Novel Nexus model for African continent

  • Capacity Building Materials – A comprehensive capacity building approach


Meet the ONEPlanET Consortium Partners.

As we pioneer sustainable solutions at the nexus of water, energy, and food in Africa, we are proud to introduce the esteemed consortium partners driving the ONEPlanET project forward.


ONEPlanET’s Path to a Just Energy Transition: The three Pilot Case-Studies


The ONEPlanET concept is built on three impactful case studies in Africa, each representing diverse river basins, social dynamics, economic contexts, and energy landscapes. The representativeness of the case studies ensures broad replicability of the project solutions and provides an interesting opportunity to progress in the development of a just energy transition in Africa that provides energy access for local communities and the conservation of resources and the environment.

Exciting News: ONEPlanET Welcomes Four New Sister Projects!


We are thrilled to announce that we have established partnerships with four esteemed sister projects under the Horizon 2020 Programme  : OpenMod4Africa, LEAP-RE, LoCEL-H2, and JUST-GREEN AFRH2ICA . These collaborations mark an important step forward in our efforts to enhance communication and dissemination in the WEF Nexus.

Events & Workshop


ONEPlanET General Assembly (8th -10th November 2023, Nairobi, Kenya)


The ONEPlanET Consortium held a General Assembly in Nairobi, Kenya from November 8th to 10th, 2023. The General Assembly served as a pivotal moment for our collective journey towards sustainability, fostering insightful discussions and collaborations.


During the General Assembly, the consortium members reflected on the project’s progress, accomplishments, and future prospects. Here’s a recap of the key moments:


  • Progress Updates: Partners provided comprehensive updates on the project, showcasing the significant strides made since its inception.
  • Innovative Perspectives: The assembly was enriched by the exchange of inventive concepts and perspectives, inspiring fresh ideas and approaches to sustainability.
  • Strategic Conversations: Engaging conversations centered around emerging developments and strategic approaches, laying the groundwork for future initiatives.
  • Vision Exploration: Participants explored the project’s vision and its potential impact on shaping the future of sustainable initiatives.


The General Assembly also served as a dynamic platform that brought together experts from across the globe to delve into the intricacies of implementing the water-energy-food nexus in agriculture.


Experts shared valuable insights, engaged in interactive discussions to explore innovative approaches, and introduced practical tools to aid in implementing the WEF nexus, empowering stakeholders with actionable strategies.

ONEPlanET Stakeholders Workshop (6th – 7th December 2023, Bougouni, Mali)


ONEPlanET held a Stakeholder workshop in Mali Bougouni, from December 6th to 7th, 2023. The workshop brought together policymakers from the stakeholder community to discuss feasible Nexus policies for implementation in the models and to design energy planning and supply scenarios towards a more resilient future.


The workshop focused on the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus and aimed to collect data on existing policies related to water, energy, and food (WEF) nexus in Mali, as well as regional and continental policies that covered Mali.

ONEPlanET Stakeholders Workshop (15th- 16th February 2024, Mbeya, Tanzania)


The ONEPlanET Stakeholders workshop, held at Mdope Idde Hotel, Mbeya, Tanzania from 15-16 February 2024, marked a significant stride towards sustainable Water-Energy-Food (WEF) resource management in the Songwe River Basin.


Key discussions revolved around introducing stakeholders to the WEF nexus concept and ONEPlanET’s objectives. The workshop also addressed critical WEF resource management issues in the Songwe River Basin, including the impact of upstream water uses on downstream users, the need for improved knowledge dissemination about rainwater harvesting in local communities, and the challenges faced by small-scale farmers in accessing markets.


The workshop culminated in the execution of several tasks by the stakeholders, including interviews to identify additional WEF resource management issues, the formulation of conceptual WEF frameworks specific to the Songwe River Basin, and the identification of priority focus areas for the ONEPlanET tool. The insights gained from these activities will undoubtedly contribute to the future catchment management of WEF resources in the region.

ONEPlanET Stakeholders Workshop (20th – 22nd February 2024, Inkomati-Usuthu, South Africa)


At the recent ONEPlanET Stakeholders workshop held in Inkomati-Usuthu, key discussions centered around the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus and the project’s objectives. Here are some highlights:


  • Introduction to WEF Nexus: Participants gained insights into the interconnectedness of water, energy, and food systems, emphasizing sustainable resource management.
  • Jericho Dam Operations: The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) provided an in-depth tour of the Jericho Dam, shedding light on water distribution and management.

The workshop also included an in-depth tour guide, providing insights into the distribution and management of water resources captured by the Jericho Dam.

ONEPlanET Open Innovation workshop (28th March 2024, Online “Virtual event”)


Our recent workshop on sustainable transition within the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus was a resounding success! Held virtually on 28th March 2024, the event brought together experts, innovators, and enthusiasts from Africa, Europe, and beyond.


Key Highlights:


1. Exploring the WEF Landscape: Participants delved into the intricate connections between water, energy, and food systems. Through insightful presentations and discussions, we examined how these sectors intersect and impact each other.


2. Innovation Insights: Pertinent projects and open innovation initiatives were showcased, shedding light on groundbreaking solutions. From cutting-edge technologies to community-driven approaches, the workshop celebrated innovation across the WEF spectrum.




  • Holistic Approach: The WEF nexus demands holistic thinking. By considering water, energy, and food as interconnected elements, we can create more effective and sustainable solutions.
  • Local Context Matters: Solutions must be context-specific. What works in one region may not apply universally. Understanding local needs and dynamics is crucial.
  • Collaboration: The workshop reinforced the importance of collaboration. Governments, NGOs, academia, and private sectors must work together to drive positive change.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants, speakers, and organizers who made this event a success. Together, we are shaping a more resilient and sustainable future for our planet.

Upcoming Events


ONEPlanET Webinar Series.



We are excited to announce a series of upcoming events that promise to be both enlightening and engaging. Let’s come together to explore sustainable solutions and shape a greener future. Be part of the change!

ONEPlanET General Assembly (September 2024, Paris France)

We are excited to announce the upcoming ONEPLANET General Assembly for 2024, which will be held in the vibrant city of Paris, France.


This exclusive event will bring together consortium members from around Africa and Europe to review the progress of our project, discuss key milestones, challenges and next steps for our project as we plan for the future of sustainable development in Africa. It will be an excellent opportunity for consortium members to network, share insights and shape the direction of our collective efforts on the project.

Articles and Publications


Leaving no one behind

Africa, a diverse and vibrant continent, is in the midst of a unique energy transformation. International organizations such as the United Nations are promoting this energy transition under the philosophy of being just, equitable and leaving no one behind.  Read the full article where Raquel López, a researcher at CARTIF, shares her perspective on the energy transition in Africa and the challenges and opportunities it presents, and how the ONEPlanET Project is using a Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach to support the energy transition in Africa.



Read more:



ONEPlanET’s activities since January. Get more details of past and upcoming events at


Join us on this Journey!



We’re just getting started, and we want YOU to be part of this. ONEPlanET is all about creating a sustainable and prosperous future for Africa, and we want you to be a part of it!


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