Bani River As Part of Niger Basin (West Africa)

Bani River As Part of Niger Basin (West Africa)
- Niger River Basin is the third longest river in Africa in terms of its drainage basin (2,170,500 km2).
- Its active watershed covers an area of approximately 1,500,000 km2 shared by the nine (9) countries: Benin (2%), Burkina Faso (4%), Cameroon (4%), Ivory Coast (1%), Guinea (6%), Mali (26%), Niger (23%), Nigeria (33%) and Chad (1% ).
- The Niger River basin is subdivided into 4 sub-basins: the Upper Niger, the Inner Delta, the Middle Niger and the Lower Niger.
- The Bani, the main tributary of the River Niger, covering 102,300 km2 upstream of Douna, rises in Côte d’Ivoire.
- The Bani watershed comprises three (03) major rivers: from west to east, the Baoulé, the Bagoé and the Banifing of Kouoro.
Bani River As Part of Niger Basin (West Africa)
Bani has a population of 4,495,000 inhabitants (44 inhabitants/km2).
The annual primary energy consumption of only 3.48 MWh per capita.
The annual electricity consumption per inhabitant in the basin is 70 kWh.
The BRB economy is highly dependent on agriculture.
In terms of agriculture, the total irrigation potential is estimated to be 2,816,510 hectares.
Agriculture currently accounts for over 85% of water resources, and this figure is projected to rise to 91% by 2025.

Local energy access: 49.6%, Energy sources are hydro, thermal and solar. 90% of the electricity in the Bani River Basin (BRB) is generated by Selingue and Manatalie. Energy is primarily generated from various resources, including firewood, charcoal, solar power, agricultural residue, liquid fuel, and gas.
Water availability 46 billion m3 per year.
In a typical year, the water volume amounts to 70 billion m3. In wet years, this figure rises to 110 billion m3, while in dry years, it decreases to 30 billion m3.
Total irrigation potential: 2,816,510 ha.
Currently, 236,000 ha are under development, with 177,000 ha being irrigated. The objective is to expand irrigated areas to 400,000 ha by 2025 and 1,000,000 ha by 2030.
Energy Transition Challenges
- Political instability,
- Security in the river basin (Armed conflict),
- Economic insecurity,
- Underdeveloped infrastructure,
- Extreme water hazards due to climate variability.
- Growing demands for water and energy